Application Form

Please insert your personal information and attach the requested documents. 

Last day of application is October 15, 2024, 10 am, Central European Summer Time.

For any questions please contact Ms Christine Vajna (unilead@uni-oldenburg.de) 

1. Data Sheet

2. Curriculum Vitae

I. Education (starting from the present degree)

II. Professional experience (starting from the present professional experience)

III. Years in position with managerial and leadership responsibility

IV. Extensive description of managerial and leadership tasks performed in your position. The description should not be longer than 1000 characters.

V. Language skills

Indicate competence on a scale of 5 to 1 (5 = excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = basic, 1 = poor)

VI. Former scholarships

VII. Have you already applied for one of the DAAD DIES training courses (e.g. IDC, Management of Internationalisation, Courses for Proposal Writing, UNITRACE, Quality Assurance Coodinators’ Course etc.)?

VIII. Have you already participated in one of the DAAD DIES training courses (e.g. IDC, Management of Internationalisation, Courses for Proposal Writing, UNITRACE, Quality Assurance Coodinators’ Course etc.)?

IX. References

3. Project Proposal

The training course pursues a practice-oriented approach. During the course, participants are expected to work on an  individual and practice-oriented reform project, which they are currently implementing or planning to implement at their university. Therefore, the project should be explicitly linked to the strategic objectives of the university.


4. Document upload

Please upload the following documents:

    1. Letter of Motivation with date and signature (1 page) in which the need for the training is explained. 

The following questions need to be answered:

  • What is the reason for you applying for the UNILEAD 2025 training course and which role do you think will it play for your professional career?
  • In which way do you think that your participation in the UNILEAD 2025 training course could help you to implement your project and to overcome existing or foreseen challenges, obstacles or problems?
  • What will be the benefit for your institution?
  1. Letter of Recommendation from university top-management (President/Rector or Vice-Chancellor/Vice-Rector) with date, signature and/or seal.

Including the following elements:

  • Relevance of participation with reference to the higher education management and strategy
  • administrative support to implement the project


5. Send your Application

Please send your application until October 15, 2024, 10.00 am Central European Summer Time